AI Based BI Platform

I led the UX design efforts for a web-based AI Business Analytics platform that delivers timely, valuable insights by analyzing organizational data, for the main persona that is C level executives and stakeholders

A significant challenge was ensuring that the platform’s AI-driven insights were presented in a concise and easily digestible format, catering to the time constraints of busy executives. We tackled this by implementing a dashboard with customizable widgets, allowing users to prioritize the most critical data. Additionally, I incorporated features such as interactive data drill-downs and instant alert notifications to keep users informed of key developments without requiring constant monitoring. Through continuous feedback loops with end-users, we fine-tuned these features to maximize efficiency and usability.
One main challenge was designing an intuitive interface for complex data visualizations without overwhelming users., knowing that the main user persona are stakeholders with already overwhelming schedules.
The final design provides a clear, actionable interface, empowering busy executives to make swift, data-driven decisions. The user-centered approach ensured the platform meets and exceeds expectations, delivering critical insights exactly when needed.




Enterprise / AI / BI


UX/UI Designer
