Loan calculator and CRM app

I designed a UX project for Goodleap, the largest solar loan provider in the US. The project involved redesigning and improving an app for sales agents in the solar and home improvement sectors.

Key Features:

Accessibility: Implemented WCAG 2.1 guidelines to ensure the app is fully accessible, including screen reader compatibility, color contrast adjustments, and keyboard navigation support.
Platform: Developed using Flutter, leveraging its cross-platform capabilities to ensure consistent performance and UI across both iOS and Android devices.
Tablet Optimization: Conducted user research indicating a preference for tablets. As a result, the app’s UI was specifically optimized for tablet screens, with responsive design principles ensuring a seamless user experience across different device sizes.
Performance Enhancements: Optimized load times and streamlined navigation flows to enhance the app’s responsiveness and efficiency, critical for sales agents who need quick access to information.


The redesigned app offers an enhanced user experience, catering specifically to the needs of sales agents in the solar and home improvement industries.




Solar / Fintech


UX/UI Designer
